Our cottage for all, accessible for everyone including wheelchair users, sleeps six. The Cottage by the Pond is rated NAS M3a accessible for full time wheelchair users who need the help of a carer. We have lots of suggestions for accessible things to do in the area and plenty of equipment available on request to make your stay more comfortable.
Folk Artist Sue Prince lives here and paints in her studio on the farm. Her egg tempera work tells stories, like folk music only in paint. Say hello when you visit, have a look at her gallery in the Haybarn or book on to her workshops. She has a wide selection of greeting cards, originals and prints available. Another unique aspect of Beechenhill Farm! www.sueprinceartist.co.uk
Caring about our environment is central to what we do here, but we hope to do it with a light touch, so it enhances your stay and that everything you experience makes you more comfortable. We have two electric car charging points: 1 x Tesla and 1 x Type 2 7Kw. The biomass wood pellet boiler heats all our water so that the cottages are cosy for you.